Dargelos creates highly functional products that are distilled to their essential form. As city cyclists, we design what we need; products that inspire and enable commuting by bike, yet accessible to all.
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[email protected]
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We consciously strive to use materials that are excellent quality and made in the U.S.A. or Canada- this is definitely challenging and sacrifices must always be made. The following information is a list of our materials and efforts:
• Lightning Vest: Material manufactured in Brownwood, Texas and customized/ converted in Rhode Island. Waste is minimized by design and re-purposed into accessories.
• TransPorter and Belt Pouch: Waxed 100% cotton canvas/ Fairfield Textile, leather is veg-tanned from Global Leathers.
• Zippers, Snaps and Hardware: YKK, made in the U.S.A, Japan and Canada.
We use your information solely for completing transactions. This process is safe and secure with PayPal and protected by SSL.
Return Policy:If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, returns are allowed within 14 days of receipt. All products must be unused and intact. If a return is necessary, please contact: [email protected] Exchanges allowed due to manufacturing defects. We will fix any problems you may have, so be in touch!